
Best mac for final cut
Best mac for final cut

best mac for final cut
  1. #Best mac for final cut how to#
  2. #Best mac for final cut mac os x#
  3. #Best mac for final cut mac os#
  4. #Best mac for final cut drivers#

(As of this writing, however, the RTMac was not compatible with Final Cut Pro 3 running in OS X, and Matrox had not announced when OS X drivers would be available.) Still, anything that reduces the need for rendering during the editing process is welcome–and editors who need more robust real-time operation can turn to third-party cards such as the Matrox RTMac. And finally, in all circumstances, you must still render all effects and transitions before outputting your project to tape.įinal Cut Pro’s real-time mode isn’t quite as real as many editors might like.

best mac for final cut

Nor can Final Cut Pro 3 perform real-time operations using content stored in formats other than DV or OfflineRT. What’s more, Final Cut Pro’s real-time mode is disabled if you configure the program to display video through a connected FireWire device–a common method of working. For starters, Apple recommends you have a beefy Mac: a 500MHz or faster G4 with at least 384MB of memory, or, for mobile editing, a 667MHz Titanium PowerBook G4 with the same amount of RAM.

#Best mac for final cut how to#

Learning how to do this isn’t difficult, but it isn’t something you’ll want to do in the middle of a project.įortunately, one issue that won’t affect your OS decision is performance: Final Cut Pro is just as fast and responsive in OS X as it is in OS 9.īut there are some strings attached.

#Best mac for final cut mac os#

Mac OS X’s multiuser design introduces new workflow issues–in some circumstances, you have to futz with OS X privileges settings in order for each member of a team to be able to access a file or folder. This also applies to video capture cards whose driver software hasn’t yet been updated for OS X.Įditing teams who collaborate on projects might also want to approach OS X with caution. If your projects depend on an After Effects plug-in that hasn’t been updated for OS X, you’ll need to run Final Cut Pro 3 in OS 9. Final Cut Pro can use many filters and effects plug-ins written for Adobe After Effects, but third-party vendors will need to rewrite plug-ins to run in Final Cut Pro 3 in OS X. And there are reasons why you might want to stick with the older OS, at least for a while. To X, or Not to Xįinal Cut Pro 3 also runs in Mac OS 9 (specifically, OS 9.2.2). Other users have reported problems with batch-capturing video while running Final Cut Pro 3 in OS X, but we didn’t have any trouble. For example, it would occasionally display video incorrectly if the monitor had gone to sleep due to inactivity–quitting and relaunching the program fixed this. We did encounter a couple of glitches in Final Cut Pro while it was running in OS X. Final Cut Pro unexpectedly quit a couple of times, but we were always able to relaunch the program and continue without having to reboot. We used Final Cut Pro 3 to edit a 90-minute training DVD, running the program almost exclusively on Mac OS X, with excellent results. This is critical for professional video work, where rainbow-colored toolbar icons and animated gewgaws would become visually fatiguing. Running on Mac OS X, Final Cut Pro’s interface looks restrained and muted compared to that of many OS X programs. Apple has wisely resisted the urge to tinker with a successful user interface that thousands of video pros have mastered. Editing Under Aquaįinal Cut Pro 3 looks and works nearly identically to earlier versions.

best mac for final cut

Final Cut Pro 3 also has some minor bugs, but it should prove to be as big a hit as its predecessors.

#Best mac for final cut mac os x#

Perhaps most significant, Final Cut Pro 3 is Mac OS X native–although OS X introduces important compatibility and workflow issues you’ll need to consider before switching. Within nine months of shipping Final Cut Pro 2, Apple delivered version 3, an impressive update that adds real-time effects, new color-correction and -measurement tools, and expanded editing features. Apple has fittingly adopted this strategy for Final Cut Pro, its professional video-editing software. In Hollywood, when a studio has a hit, it quickly releases a sequel.

Best mac for final cut